It's straightforward. I did it quickly. But then I have to reinstall a fresh fedora13. (During my second package build, I did
yum remove libcurl
in attemption to reinstall libcurl. Then the system won't start.) I reinstalled fedora13 from a live CD and did yum update. I download the nled tar ball, and unpacked the source. When I run make, I didn't have the compiler. So I have to yum install gcc, and then yum install "*ncurses.h". This time 'make' runs through.
2. Apache
I installed wget first, and then did the following:
tar xvzf httpd-2.2.16.tar.gz
cd httpd-2.2.16
./configure --prefix=$HOME/httpd
make install
Now I have Apache Server installed in my home directory.3. bzflag
bzflag is a 3D multiplayer free online game. It's tank game.
The first try: from SourceForge I got the bzglag. When I run the configure, it says you must install libcurl. I did yum install libcurl. Then I run the configure again. It still says you must install libcurl. I left it there.
The second try: I got a tip from the Prof. He suggested me to install libcurl-devel. I did yum install libcurl-devel. Then I run the configure again. It went through. Just the outcome says "no SDL!" "no client binary". It sounded not good. I didn't know the catch so I run make and make install. But the game executable is not generated. It generated bzadmin and bafs in /usr/local/bin. I left it there once more.
The third try: I got a chance to talk to Chris on IRC later on. He said I should install SDL (yum install "SDL*-devel"). This time it worked. I started the game. I join the game and I started the server. But I don't know how to play the game.
Hi Joe-- you probably need the -devel package (headers) to make configure happy (yum install libcurl-devel).